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16 oz Spray H-42 Clean Clippers® – Virucidal, Anti-Bacterial


This 16oz virucidal anti-bacterial H-42 Clean Clippers® spray is water free, and will not rust expensive clipper blades, or other cutting tools and helps to prolong the life of your hair cutting tools. Can be sprayed directly onto tools.

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16 oz Spray H-42 Clean Clippers® – Virucidal, Anti-Bacterial

About this Product

Virucidal Anti-bacterial H-42 Clean Clippers® is used for and was created to help prevent cross contamination of bacteria.nWhen used as directed, H-42 Clean Clippers helps to protect against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteric, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Virucidal activity kills HIV-1 (Aids Virus) on pre-cleaned environmental surfaces/objects previously soiled with blood/bodily fluid in health care settings or other settings such as veterinary clinics.

  • Convenient 16 ounce spray
  • Cleans and protect your clippers and blades
  • Prevents the growth and transfer of bacteria from one tool/cutting to the next
  • Helps to keep your instruments in very good working order
  • Conditions and lubricates your blades for better and more efficient cuts
  • Cleans without having to removing clipper blade from clipper
  • Prevents growth and transfer of bacteria
  • Inhibits rust from forming on blades
  • Oil-based
  • Prolongs the life of your clipper blades
  • Does not contain water or harmful vapours
  • Safe for all electric clippers and clipper blades


Virucidal Anti-Bacterial H-42 Clean Clippers is a Virucidal and Anti-Bacterial cleaning solution.

A virucidal is an agent (physical or chemical) that deactivates or destroys viruses. This differs from an antiviral drug which inhibits the development of the virus. Virucidal is capable of neutralizing or destroying a virus.

Ways to Use

Spray onto clipper and allow solution to distribute evenly through blade for one minute. Wipe off excess cleaner with a clean soft towel and allow to dry on a paper towel.

Remove blade and spray blade with cleaner. Let site for one minute. Wipe off excess cleaner with a clean soft towel and allow to dry on a paper towel.